Driver : 1.1 installed openNi 1.2 installed SensorKinect 1.3 installed Nite Test : 2.1 connect the kinect then open "C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Samples\Bin\Release\NiUserTracker.exe" if test ok to the next step. else 1: 2.2 executing environnement in wiche Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, "C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Tools\vcredist_x86.exe". else 2: 2.3 Go to Top. Direct x: 3.1 executed dxwebsetup.exe Miku Miku : 4.1 open DxOpenNI and copy it onto the folder "MikuMikuDanceE_v739\data" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// by fabacks 22/06/2011